Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Email Templating

I'm trying to work through some transactional e-mail templating issues. I'm trying to figure out where the "items_html" gets created. In the database I can see

{{var items_html}}

but, I can't find any reference to get/set ItemsHtml() in the code. What I find in the layout XML isn't very promising.

So, I setup a small bootstrap script to get ready to send these emails to myself and then I can get into the code and dissect what's going on.

require_once 'app/Mage.php';

$mailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
$recipient = array();
$recipient['email'] = 'me@example.com';
$recipient['name'] = 'me';

$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load(4);

$mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area'=>'frontend', 'store'=>0))
array('name'=>'me', 'email'=>'me@example.com'),
'order' => $order,
'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress(),
'payment_html' => '
payment html

It looks okay, I should be able to at least trigger the transactional emails and trace through the code with var_dump() until I can find where items_html is set or used.

There's only one problem. The $order relies on using blocks to format its own "createdat" property, and the blocks don't always work unless you have a front controller and an action. Why? ... because the output templates are tied into the request action.. ?

// from Sales/Model/Order.php
public function getCreatedAtFormated($format)
return Mage::getBlockSingleton('core/text')->formatDate($this->getCreatedAt(), $format);

//from Mage.php
public static function getBlockSingleton($type)
$action = Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getAction();
return $action ? $action->getLayout()->getBlockSingleton($type) : false;

Why, oh why, can't I just send a transactional email without having to simulate an entire request?

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